
Workspace concepts

configuration file

.west/config 配置文件,定义了manifest repository等。

manifest file

west.yml 描述了管理的其他git仓库。可以用manifest.file覆盖。执行west update可以更新所有git仓库。

Built-in commands

west help: 查看支持的命令。
west <command> -h: for detailed help.
west update -r: sync的时候会rebase local commits.
west compare: compare the state of the workspace against the manifest.
west diff
west status
west forall -c <command>: 对所有仓库执行某个shell命令。
west grep
west list: 所有project信息。
west manifest: 管理manifest文件。


Topologies supported

  • star topology, zephyr is the manifest repository
  • star topology, a Zephyr application is the manifest repository
  • forest topology, freestanding manifest repository

West Manifests

West Manifests yaml文件


west config 提供的一些选项

  • System: /etc/westconfig
  • Global: ~/.westconfig
  • local: <REPO_DIR>/.west/config

通过west config --system/global/local可以设置。